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The travelling t-shirt FAQ
Why are we doing this?
Because we are huge fans of Kate and we want to show her that she has a great following around the world. It is our little thank you to her.
Who is going to pay for this?
Hopefully we can raise some money towards the costs of the t-shirt through kind contributions (link to PayPal button) otherwise, it is out of our own pockets. Any surplus donations made towards the t-shirt costs will be donated to our nominated charity, Mia Kirshner's "I Live Here Foundation" (official site).
How will this work?
Once you have received the t-shirt, please sign and add your own personal message to Kate. We will give you the address of the next fan to send the t-shirt to. To make this as efficient as possible, please sign and forward the shirt to the next person as soon as you can. This way we can ensure that everyone who wishes to sign the shirt has the opportunity to do so. If you can, please drop us a quick message to say that the t-shirt has been signed so we can track the progress of the shirt. Thanks.
Will I have to pay for the postage to mail the t-shirt to the next fan?
Yes. In order to keep costs down we are not able to help towards stamp costs however, we will try and ensure that the address you need to send the t-shirt on to is as near to you as possible to reduce costs
How do you know someone wont keep the shirt and sell it on eBay?
This is not Kate's shirt. It is a shirt for Kate so would have little monetary value.
What is the make and style of the t-shirt?
The make is 'Fruit of the Loom' and the style is 'ringer'
What if Kate has to cancel her appearance to L6?
I know a lot of people are concerned about this, especially after hearing that Kate has been cast in the pilot, "Three Rivers". At the moment, it is too early to say whether or not this will be a problem. However, acting is like any job and actors can request time off during a shoot. Kate would only need to take the Friday off to attend the convention if they are shooting the series. If worst comes to worst and Kate has to cancel, there always L7 in 2010!
What language should I use when signing the shirt ?
Please write the message in English, thanks.
Are you Kate?
No we are not Kate. We just know that we will be at L6, the same time and place as Kate and that we will have a window of opportunity to personally give the t-shirt to Kate. Some fans have been contacting us thinking that we have some connection to Kate but we do not. This site is solely for fans who would like to take part in the travelling t-shirt project.
Why are we asking for your vacation/holiday plans?
The reason we are for asking you guys for vacation plans has nothing to do with being bogus. We just trying to make sure that there is no delay in sending the shirt around the world.
What is happening with the shirt now that Kate had to cancel her appearance at L6?
We have decided to carry on with the shirt's journey and hope that Kate will be able to attend L7 instead. However, if she is unable to attend, we will pass the t-shirt to one of the cast members so they can pass the shirt onto Kate.
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